"Responses from IR in a changing European context"

In succession of last year's inaugural IR event, the Investor Relations Associations of Belgium (BIRA), France (CLIFF), the Netherlands (NEVIR) and Portugal (FIR) has successfully organised the second Pan-European IR Conference organised in Brussels on June 26 & 27, 2013.

This event was meant for IR professionals who want to share insights with IR thought leaders and who want to connect with European IR professionals from across the continent.

The conference has been preceded by a dinner at NYSE Euronext for all participants, including a keynote speech by Peter Hinssen and the Thomson Reuters Extel IR awards ceremony for Belgium, France and Portugal.

The program on Thursday June 27 was organised at the Auditorium of KBC in Brussels.

We are looking forward to welcome you again next year!

Frank Vandenborre, President BIRA - Eliane Rouyer-Chevalier, President CLIFF - Jeroen Leenaers, President NEVIR - Patricia Pinto, President FIR

Please find here the photo report

Video with the highlights of the conference, offered by Company Webcast, is available here


For any further questions, please contact Marcel Schulze at m.schulze@tradinfo.com